Welcome to the News area of our website, where you can find out all the latest information on  what’s happening here at Podiatry Plus Scotland.

If there are any topics that you would like us to include in the News section, just drop us an email to info@podiatryplusscotland.co.uk

  • Special Offers

    26th November 2018

    Swift Verruca Treatment

    SWIFT VERRUCA TREATMENT INITIAL CONSULTATION We offer our patients the latest and most effective technology developed in the UK for treating verrucae and warts. Our podiatrists will be happy to guide you through your choice of treatment options during an informed choice consultation. Call today and book your consultation now.

  • Special Offers

    26th November 2018


    PODYLAS FUNGAL NAIL TREATMENT We offer our patients the latest and most effective technology to treat fungal nails. Our podiatrists will be happy to guide you through your choice of treatment options during an informed choice consultation. Call today and book your appointment.