• Recovery

Nail Surgery

As every injury is as individual as you are, your recovery plan will be tailor made by your podiatrist.

Nail Removal Surgery

At Podiatry Plus we pride ourselves on using cutting edge technology coupled with clinical knowledge, as a patient you will have access to RS Foot Scan, Phits 3D printed orthosis, Sidas Podiatech orthosis, physitrack exercises programs, and treadmill gait analysis dependent on your needs. We endeavour to create a bespoke package to cater to your needs.

Running Retraining

We care about runners as we are runners as well. No matter what level we all get niggles or injuries through running and want to understand why the injury is occurring and to be able to get back out for that run as soon as possible. Your Podiatrist will provide an in depth analysis of your running gait on our Sprintex treadmill which is unique to stimulate road running. We will also carry our specific muscle testing to identify any imbalances or weaknesses. We believe that form is key and work with you to tweak your running style. We will aim to provide you with a bespoke running rehabilitation program to suit your needs. Note this is not designed to allow you to run faster rather we aim to reduce your injury risk.

Low Level Laser Therapy and strapping

Podiatry Plus are pleased to offer this alternative treatment for muscular injury recovery, as sometime we just need to try something different. When using Low Level Laser, we are able to target the specific injury site by using wavelengths of light to stimulate the body’s heeling cells. This is a rapid, effective, non-invasive and extremely researched laser therapy that can get you on the road to recovery quicker. We use this therapy in conjunction with strapping and taping, strengthening and conditioning exercises for improved recovery.

Physiotec – Included free as part of your treatment plan

We believe in rehabilitation of the body to cope with the stresses of everyday life. Our system allows us to create you a custom rehabilitation programme that you receive directly to your email and allows you to keep in contact with us with the touch of a button. You simply click the video which demonstrates the movements we would like you to do and the rest is over to you. We will provide your full details of specific repetitions of exercises and how often to do these.